Many common desktop software packages are available at a greatly reduced cost directly through FAU’s Office of Information Technology (OIT).

Departments that require software licenses for: Adobe Products, Microsoft Products, Ghost Solution Suite Client or Console, Symantec Backup Exec System Recovery - Desktop, MatLab Products, Minitab Products, SAS 9 Products and SPSS products should visit: for instructions on obtaining these licenses directly through OIT.

For software licenses not available through OIT, as well as website hosting relationships, the following approvals must be obtained before an order can be placed.  This includes loaned or test software provided to the University on a trial basis.

  1. Written approval from the university’s Chief Technology Officer or his/her designee.
  2. Software products that interface with Banner or Workday (or replace an existing function in Banner or Workday) will require approval from the Senior Vice President of Financial Affairs or his/her designee.
  3. If the requirement includes the development of a webpage, all designs must adhere to University standards and be approved by the Office of University Communications. (Ref:

Additionally, the following criteria must be considered prior to an order being placed:

  1. Any agreement associated with the purchase of software shall require review and approval by University's General Counsel and shall be signed by an individual authorized to sign contracts on behalf of Florida Atlantic University.
  2. If the financial commitment for the full term of the agreement is $19,999 to $74,999, a minimum of two written competitive quotes are required. If the total financial commitment for the term of the agreement is $75,000 or greater, a formal competitive solicitation may be required. (Example: a 2 year software license billable at $50,000 per year = $100,000 + $35,000 setup & integration fee = $135,000 in financial commitment.)
  3. A no cost Purchase Order for any software provided on a loan, trial, or test basis.

If you have questions at any time during this process, please contact